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What it is

Surfactant, Acidifier and Water Conditioning Agent (ASTM) Official Name Surfactant + Acidifier + Hard Water Scavenger System

What it does

  • Activates general burndown herbicides and faster burndown for general weed control
  • Increases the speed of activity and the general activity of glyphosate, paraquat and glufosinate
  • Replaces AMS
  • Replaces NIS
  • Supplies highest quality surfactant
  • Counteracts hard water cations
  • Increases efficacy of desiccation and defoliation applications
  • Best way to spray burndown applications of glyphosate, glufosinate, paraquat, diquat

Use rates

AQ2746 should be applied between 1 qt (0.25% v/v) to 2 qts (0.5% v/v) per 100 gallons of spray solution. Use higher rates with extremely hard water.

Package Sizes:

  • 2 x 2.5 gallon jugs
  • 30 gallon drums
  • 250 gallon totes
Developed For:

Originally designed and built for nonselective chemistries in general burndown

Highest quality surfactant

2,4-D Acid:

Best way to spray 2,4-D acid and ester formulations

Replace AMS

1 pint per 100 gallons of spray solution will replace 20 lbs of AMS

Talk to us. Your growers deserve easy access to these necessary products.

Our Mission: Design, Engineer, Discover, Develop And Market The Best And Most Convenient Agricultural Spray Adjuvants.