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What it is

Surfactant, Drift Reduction Agent and Deposition Aid, Acidifier (ASTM) Official Name

The most unique spray adjuvant. Everything an adjuvant can do — “all in one jug.”

  • Premium surfactant blend: premium non-ionic surfactant blend
  • Hard Water Scavenger System: Based on the original AQ010 system
  • Drift reduction: AgraSyst’s drift reduction technology developed for AQ541
  • Volatility reduction: Contains AgraSyst’s new volatility reduction technology

What it does

  • Replaces AMS
  • Replaces NIS with a premium surfactant blend
  • Improves performance with other chemistries and broader weed spectrum over more environmental conditions
  • Supplies highest quality surfactant
  • Reduces pH, increases glyphosate availability, counteracts hard water cations
  • Increases spray deposition
  • Reduces drift
  • Reduces herbicide volatility (dicamba)
  • Enhances the performance of  glyphosate, 2,4-D, dicamba, sethoxydim, MCPA, clethodim, imazamox, paraquat, diquat, etc.

Use rates

AQ2110 should be applied between 1 qt (0.25% v/v) to 4 qts (1% v/v) per 100 gallons of spray solution. Use higher rates with extremly hard water. Normal use rate is between 1 qt/100 gallons (0.25% v/v) to 2 qts/100 gallons (0.5% v/v)

Package Sizes:

  • 2 x 2.5 gallon jugs
  • 30 gallon drums
  • 250 gallon totes
Developed For:

Originally designed and built to make AQ2110 the best acidic AMS replacement adjuvant type product on the market by adding drift reduction in the jug

Works really well with glyphosate tank mixtures

Replace AMS

Hard Water Scavenger System will replace 20 lbs of AMS at the 1 qt per 100 gallons of spray

Works better than phosphoric acid-based adjuvants

Contains a premium non-ionic surfactant (NIS) blend

Contains both AgraSyst’s Drift Reduction & Volatility Technology

2.5 gallon jug of AQ2110

Will replace 170 lbs AMS, 2.5 gallons of NIS, and a drift reduction product

Can be applied over crops

  • XtendiMax approved with an addition of an approved DRA
  • Engenia label DRA required

Talk to us. Your growers deserve easy access to these necessary products.

Our Mission: Design, Engineer, Discover, Develop And Market The Best And Most Convenient Agricultural Spray Adjuvants.