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What it is

Methylated Seed Oil and Surfactant and Water Conditioner (ASTM)

AQ1361 is a Premium High Surfactant Methylated Seed Oil Concentrate (HSMOC). Non-ionic + Cationic + MSO Blend Surfactant Blend

What it does

  • Replaces the need for AMS
  • Counteracts hard water better than AMS
  • MSOs have good spreading properties that enhance coverage over the plant which is important for many pesticides
  • HSMOCs like AQ1361 have added non-ionic surfactants (NIS) and emulsifiers to increase penetration into the plant
  • HSMOCs are good spreaders with enhanced uptake
  • AQ1361 is different than other HSMOCs in that it contains a surfactant blend that includes a cationic surfactant which improves cuticle penetration of negative-charged pesticides such as glyphosate and 2,4-D amine

Use rates

Most labels will call for 1 gallon per 100 gallons of spray solution. However,
AQ1361 is formulated to work at lower rates than a normal MSO.

Care should be taken when applications are made to crops under hot and dry conditions.

Package Sizes:

  • 2 x 2.5 gallon jugs
  • 30 gallon drums
  • 250 gallon totes
Increases Efficacy Of Anionic Pesticides

Works With Multiple Chemistries

May Be Used Whenever A Label Calls For MSO

Designed To Provide Consistent Performance

Talk to us. Your growers deserve easy access to these necessary products.

Our Mission: Design, Engineer, Discover, Develop And Market The Best And Most Convenient Agricultural Spray Adjuvants.