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What it is

Surfactant and Water Conditioner (ASTM) Official Name

Premium Surfactant Blend and pH Increaser

What it does

  • Increases pH of the spray solution by increasing the solubility of sulfonylurea and sulfonamide herbicides
  • Increases pH
  • Increases solubility
  • Contains a premium blend of surfactants designed to improve the performance of sulfonylurea and sulfonamide herbicides

Use rates

AQ134 should be applied between 1 qt per 100 gallons (0.25% v/v) as per herbicide label to 2 qts (0.5% v/v) per 100 gallons of spray solution.

Package Sizes:

  • 2 x 2.5 gallon jugs
  • 30 gallon drums
  • 250 gallon totes
Originally Built To Improve The Performance Of Sulfonylurea Herbicides

Increases Uptake

Completely dissolves sulfonylurea and sulfonamide herbicides increasing the uptake into the plant leaf

Designed to Maximize

Surfactant blend designed to maximize the performance of the herbicide over a broader spectrum of weeds and environmental conditions

SU Herbicides

That call for MSO as surfactant can be improved by adding 1 qt of AQ134 with the MSO per 100 gallons of spray solution

2,4-D & Dicamba:

Can be used with tank mixes that contain 2,4-D and Dicamba

Talk to us. Your growers deserve easy access to these necessary products.

Our Mission: Design, Engineer, Discover, Develop And Market The Best And Most Convenient Agricultural Spray Adjuvants.